grey - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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grey (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "grey" in Spanish mainly translates to "gris". It refers to the color that is a mix of black and white. In both oral and written contexts, "gris" is used fairly frequently, particularly in descriptive language about art, design, fashion, and nature.

Example Sentences

  1. El cielo estaba gris antes de la tormenta.
  2. The sky was gray before the storm.

  3. Ella eligió un vestido gris para la ocasión.

  4. She chose a gray dress for the occasion.

  5. La casa tenía paredes de un color gris claro.

  6. The house had light gray walls.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "gris" itself may not be prevalent in specific idiomatic expressions, it can feature in various phrases or contexts that convey emotion, conditions, or states. Here are some expressions involving the concept of "gray":

  1. Días grises
  2. Esta semana hemos tenido muchos días grises.
  3. This week we've had many gray days.

  4. Verlo todo gris

  5. A veces, las personas sienten que ven todo gris después de una mala noticia.
  6. Sometimes, people feel that they see everything gray after bad news.

  7. Una vida gris

  8. No quiero llevar una vida gris; quiero que sea emocionante.
  9. I don't want to lead a gray life; I want it to be exciting.

  10. Pensar en gris

  11. Es importante no pensar en gris; siempre hay luz al final del túnel.
  12. It’s important not to think in gray; there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.

  13. El gris de la rutina

  14. A veces, el gris de la rutina puede ser abrumador.
  15. Sometimes, the gray of routine can be overwhelming.


The word "gris" comes from the Latin "griseus," which means "grey" or "grayish." Its usage has been consistent in Romance languages and evolved into various forms across these languages.

Synonyms and Antonyms


The word "gris" is versatile in the Spanish language, seeing use in a variety of contexts both for description and in figurative language. It helps to convey a sense of neutral tones or dullness but can also be utilized in expressions that emphasize emotional or situational states.
