grifo cónico - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

grifo cónico (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription

/gɾ ko.ˈni.ko/

Translation options into English

  1. Conical faucet
  2. Tapered spigot


The word "grifo cónico" refers to a conical-shaped faucet commonly used in plumbing, particularly in polytechnical settings. This type of faucet is designed to regulate the flow of liquids by adjusting the opening at the end of the spigot. The term is mainly used in technical or specialized contexts and is more commonly found in written material than in oral speech.

Example sentences

  1. El grifo cónico permite regular el flujo de agua de forma precisa.
    Translation: The conical faucet allows for precise regulation of water flow.

  2. Para el laboratorio, es necesario instalar un grifo cónico para controlar el paso de líquidos.
    Translation: For the laboratory, it is necessary to install a conical faucet to control the flow of liquids.

Idiomatic expressions

The term "grifo cónico" is not typically used in idiomatic expressions.


The word "grifo" comes from the Latin word "gryphus," which means faucet or tap. "Cónico" comes from the Latin word "conicus," meaning conical. Therefore, "grifo cónico" literally translates to "conical faucet."
