grisutoso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

grisutoso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription


Usage in Spanish

The word "grisutoso" is quite unusual and not commonly used in Spanish. It would be more suitable for written contexts, but it is not frequently used in either oral or written language.

Example sentences

  1. El día estaba grisutoso, con nubes en el cielo.
  2. The day was gloomy, with clouds in the sky.

  3. El joven tenía un aspecto grisutoso y triste.

  4. The young man had a gloomy and sad appearance.

Idiomatic Expressions

There are no known idiomatic expressions involving the word "grisutoso" in Spanish.


The word "grisutoso" could be a derivative of the Spanish word "gris" (gray), combined with the suffix "-oso" (-ous), which indicates a tendency or inclination towards something. Thus, "grisutoso" could be interpreted as something inclined towards being gray or gloomy.

Synonyms and Antonyms