grupo escultórico - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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grupo escultórico (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun phrase

Phonetic Transcription

/ˈɡɾupo es.kulˈtoɾiko/


Sculptural group


"Grupo escultórico" refers to a set of sculptures that are designed to be displayed together as a group or a collection. This term is often used in the context of art and sculpture to describe a group of statues or sculptures that are related in theme or design. It is more commonly used in written and formal contexts than in everyday oral speech.


  1. El museo exhibe un impresionante grupo escultórico de artistas contemporáneos. (The museum displays an impressive sculptural group of contemporary artists.)
  2. Durante la caminata, pudimos apreciar un hermoso grupo escultórico en el parque. (During the walk, we were able to appreciate a beautiful sculptural group in the park.)

Idiomatic Expressions


The term "grupo escultórico" is a combination of the Spanish words "grupo" (group) and "escultórico" (sculptural), highlighting its meaning of a group of sculptures.

