guardar un secreto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

guardar un secreto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:

Phrase: guardar un secreto

Phonetic transcription:

/gwarˈðaɾ un seˈkɾeto/

Use in Spanish language:

The phrase guardar un secreto means "to keep a secret" in English. It is used in both oral speech and written context in Spanish. This phrase is commonly used in everyday conversations and is well understood by Spanish speakers.

Example sentences:

  1. Ella me pidió que guardara un secreto sobre su nuevo trabajo.
    (She asked me to keep a secret about her new job.)

  2. Es importante saber guardar un secreto cuando alguien confía en ti.
    (It is important to know how to keep a secret when someone confides in you.)

Idiomatic expressions:

Guardar un secreto is sometimes used as part of various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few examples:

  1. Prometer guardar un secreto: To promise to keep a secret
  2. Prometí guardar un secreto sobre su viaje.
    (I promised to keep a secret about his trip.)

  3. No saber guardar un secreto: To not know how to keep a secret

  4. Ella siempre revela la información, no sabe guardar un secreto.
    (She always reveals the information, she doesn't know how to keep a secret.)


The phrase guardar un secreto comes from the Spanish verb "guardar," which means "to keep" or "to guard," and the noun "secreto," which means "secret." When combined, they form the expression "to keep a secret."

Synonyms and Antonyms:

- Mantener en secreto (To keep in secret) - No revelar (Not to reveal)

- Revelar un secreto (To reveal a secret) - Contar un secreto (To tell a secret)