haber - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

haber (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic transcription


How it is used in the Spanish language

"Haber" is a widely used word in the Spanish language. It is often used as an auxiliary verb to form compound tenses, expressing actions that have occurred at some point in the past. It can also be used as a main verb to denote the existence or presence of something. "Haber" is used in both oral speech and written context, but it is more common in written form due to its grammatical functions.


  1. Spanish: Deberían haber llegado ayer. English: They should have arrived yesterday.

  2. Spanish: Me dijeron que habría una reunión a las 3. English: They told me there would be a meeting at 3.

  3. Spanish: Hay que haber ciertas reglas en este lugar. English: There must be certain rules in this place.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Haber" is an essential component of many idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are some examples:

  1. Spanish: Haber gato encerrado. English: There must be a catch.

  2. Spanish: Haber pan blanco y pan prieto. English: To have mixed feelings.

  3. Spanish: Haber marrones. English: To be in big trouble.

  4. Spanish: No haber ni que + infinitive. English: There is no need to.

  5. Spanish: Haber para todos. English: To be enough for everyone.

  6. Spanish: Haber miga. English: To have substance.

  7. Spanish: A caballo regalado, no se le mira el diente. English: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.


The word "haber" comes from the Latin word "habere," which means "to have" or "to possess."

Synonyms and Antonyms

By having a good grasp of the various uses and idiomatic expressions of "haber," you can enhance your understanding and fluency in the Spanish language.