hablar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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hablar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meanings and Usage

"Hablar" means "to speak" or "to talk" in Spanish. This verb is very commonly used in both written and oral Spanish. It is a regular verb that follows the conjugation patterns of regular verbs ending in -ar.

Verb Tenses: - Present: hablo (I speak) - Past: hablé (I spoke) - Future: hablaré (I will speak) - Imperfect: hablaba (I used to speak) - Present subjunctive: hable (that I speak) - Future subjunctive: hablare (if I speak) - Present perfect: he hablado (I have spoken) - Future perfect: habré hablado (I will have spoken) - Conditional: hablaría (I would speak) - Present progressive: estoy hablando (I am speaking) - Past progressive: estaba hablando (I was speaking) - Future progressive: estaré hablando (I will be speaking)

Gerund form: hablando (speaking)


  1. Hablo español todos los días.
  2. I speak Spanish every day.

  3. ¿Hablaron sobre el proyecto esta mañana?

  4. Did they talk about the project this morning?

Idiomatic Expressions

"Hablar" is part of many idiomatic expressions in Spanish, here are some examples:

  1. Hablar por los codos
  2. Meaning: To talk too much
  3. Example: Mi vecina puede hablar por los codos sin parar. (My neighbor can talk too much without stopping.)

  4. Hablar en cristiano

  5. Meaning: To speak clearly and directly
  6. Example: Por favor, hable en cristiano para que pueda entenderlo. (Please, speak clearly so that I can understand you.)

  7. Hablar de oídas

  8. Meaning: To talk about something without really knowing the facts
  9. Example: No hables de oídas, infórmate bien antes de opinar. (Don't talk without knowing, get informed before giving an opinion.)

  10. Hablar con la almohada

  11. Meaning: To confess something worth mentioning to someone before sleeping
  12. Example: Si tienes algo que decirme, no dudes en hacerlo, hablaremos con la almohada. (If you have something to tell me, don’t hesitate to, we'll talk while in bed.)


From Latin "fabulāri", which means "to talk, to speak".

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Platicar (to chat) - Conversar (to converse) - Dialogar (to dialogue)

Antonyms: - Callar (to be silent) - Silenciar (to silence)