hacienda - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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hacienda (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "hacienda" is a feminine noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "hacienda" primarily refers to a large estate or plantation, particularly one that produces agricultural products. The term can also extend to the management or administration faction of such an estate. In a more general context, "hacienda" may refer to financial or economic entities, notably in some countries where it denotes the treasury or tax office.

The frequency of use of "hacienda" can vary depending on geographical location and context. In rural areas, the term is commonly used in oral speech to denote large farming or agricultural operations. In urban settings, it may appear more frequently in written forms, such as legal or economic discussions, especially when referring to regulations or taxation.

Example Sentences

  1. La hacienda familiar ha estado en manos de nuestra familia durante generaciones.
    The family estate has been in our family for generations.

  2. En la hacienda se cultivan café y caña de azúcar.
    At the plantation, coffee and sugarcane are grown.

  3. La hacienda del gobierno se encarga de la recaudación de impuestos.
    The government's treasury is responsible for tax collection.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "hacienda" is often part of idiomatic expressions, particularly in contexts related to finance, agriculture, and family heritage. Here are some examples:

  1. Hacer la hacienda
    To do the household accounts or economics.
    Example: Si quieres saber cuánto gastaste, debes hacer la hacienda.
    If you want to know how much you've spent, you need to do the household accounting.

  2. Hacienda pública
    Public treasury.
    Example: La hacienda pública gestiona los recursos del estado.
    The public treasury manages the state’s resources.

  3. Hacienda de la familia
    Family estate.
    Example: La hacienda de la familia se ha convertido en un destino turístico.
    The family estate has become a tourist destination.

  4. Hacienda agraria
    Agricultural property.
    Example: La hacienda agraria local produce una gran variedad de productos.
    The local agricultural estate produces a wide variety of products.


The term "hacienda" originates from the Latin word "facienda," meaning "things to be done." It was adopted into Spanish in the 15th century, evolving to refer specifically to large estates and agricultural properties.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- finca (farm) - propiedad (property) - rancho (ranch)

- área urbana (urban area) - lugar pequeño (small place)
- parcelita (small piece of land)

This comprehensive analysis of "hacienda" encapsulates its multifaceted nature, particularly within particular cultural and geographical contexts.
