hecho - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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hecho (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Noun

Phonetic Transcription: /ˈɛ.tʃoʊ/

Meanings and Usage: "Hecho" in Spanish means "fact" or "event." It is a masculine noun used to refer to something that has happened or that is known to be true. This word is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish. It is a frequent term used in various contexts, including news reports, academic discussions, everyday conversations, and written texts.

Examples: 1. El hecho de que haya llegado tarde me causó problemas. (The fact that he arrived late caused me problems.) 2. El hecho de que no haya comido nada es preocupante. (The fact that he has not eaten anything is concerning.)

Idiomatic Expressions: "Hecho" is part of several common idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are some examples: 1. De hecho (In fact): Se canceló el evento. De hecho, no había muchas personas interesadas. (The event was canceled. In fact, not many people were interested.) 2. Echo y hecho (Completely done): El trabajo está echo y hecho, así que ahora podemos descansar. (The work is completely done, so now we can rest.) 3. Dado el caso de que... (In the event that...): Dado el caso de que no pueda asistir, por favor avísenos. (In the event that you cannot attend, please let us know.)

Etymology: The word "hecho" comes from the Latin word "factum," which means "act" or "deed."

Synonyms: - Realidad (Reality) - Suceso (Event) - Acontecimiento (Occurrence)

Antonyms: - Ficción (Fiction) - Mentira (Lie) - Invención (Invention)