hemiparesia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

hemiparesia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription



Hemiparesia = Hemiparesis


Hemiparesia is a medical term used in Spanish to describe a weakness or partial paralysis that affects one side of the body. It is commonly used in the fields of medicine and neurology. This term is more frequently used in written contexts, such as medical reports, articles, and academic papers.


  1. El paciente presentaba hemiparesia en el lado izquierdo de su cuerpo.
  2. The patient had hemiparesis on the left side of his body.

  3. La hemiparesia puede ser causada por un accidente cerebrovascular.

  4. Hemiparesis can be caused by a stroke.

Idiomatic Expressions

Hemiparesia is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish.


The term hemiparesia comes from the Greek words hemi- meaning "half" and paralysis. When put together, it forms hemiparesia, indicating that only half of the body is impacted by the paralysis or weakness.

Synonyms and Antonyms