hemocianina - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

hemocianina (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Noun

Phonetic Transcription: IPA: /emot͡sjanina/ English: Eh-moh-syah-nee-nah

Meanings and Usage: - Meanings: Hemocyanin is a copper-containing protein that is found in the blood of various invertebrates, such as mollusks and arthropods. It plays a role in oxygen transport, similar to the iron-containing hemoglobin found in vertebrates.

Examples in Sentences: 1. La hemocianina es una proteína que transporta oxígeno en muchos invertebrados. Translation: Hemocyanin is a protein that transports oxygen in many invertebrates. 2. Se estudió la estructura molecular de la hemocianina en los caracoles marinos. Translation: The molecular structure of hemocyanin in marine snails was studied.

Idiomatic Expressions: Hemocianina is not typically used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish. It is a technical term with a specific scientific meaning related to biology.

Etymology: The term "hemocianina" is derived from the combination of "hemo-" which refers to blood, and "-cianina" which is a suffix indicating a blue color. The name reflects the blue color that hemocyanin protein turns when bound to oxygen.

Synonyms and Antonyms: - Synonyms: 1. Hemocianina (Same term used in Spanish) 2. Hemocianinas (Plural form of "hemocianina") 3. Proteína cianoblástica (Literal translation in Spanish)