hemorragia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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hemorragia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Sustantivo (noun)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Hemorragia" refers to the loss of blood from the circulatory system, which can occur either internally or externally. In the medical context, it is used to describe conditions where there is excessive blood loss, either due to injury, surgery, or medical conditions. The term is commonly used in both oral and written contexts within medical and emergency scenarios.

In Spanish, the term "hemorragia" is often used in conjunction with specific locations (e.g., "hemorragia cerebral" for cerebral hemorrhage) or causes (e.g., "hemorragia postparto" for postpartum hemorrhage). Its frequency of use is significant in both everyday conversations about health and in professional medical discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La hemorragia puede ser un signo de una lesión grave.
  2. Hemorrhage can be a sign of a serious injury.

  3. Es importante controlar la hemorragia antes de trasladar al paciente al hospital.

  4. It is important to control the bleeding before transferring the patient to the hospital.

  5. La hemorragia interna es más difícil de detectar que la hemorragia externa.

  6. Internal bleeding is more difficult to detect than external bleeding.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Hemorragia" is not commonly featured in numerous idiomatic expressions, but it can relate to phrases discussing the severity of medical situations or the consequences of actions leading to significant loss or damage. Below are a few relevant expressions in different contexts.

  1. Hemorragia financiera
  2. La empresa sufrió una hemorragia financiera que la llevó a la quiebra.
  3. The company suffered a financial hemorrhage that led it to bankruptcy.

  4. Hemorragia de talento

  5. La hemorragia de talento en la industria tecnológica es preocupante.
  6. The talent hemorrhage in the tech industry is concerning.

  7. Para detener la hemorragia

  8. El nuevo plan tiene como objetivo detener la hemorragia de empleados en la empresa.
  9. The new plan aims to stop the hemorrhage of employees in the company.

  10. Hemorragia emocional

  11. La ruptura causó una hemorragia emocional que tardó mucho en sanar.
  12. The breakup caused an emotional hemorrhage that took a long time to heal.


The word "hemorragia" is derived from the Greek word "haimorrhagía," where "haima" means "blood" and "rhein" means "to flow." The term combines these roots, reflecting the condition of blood flowing uncontrollably out of the vascular system.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms - Sangrado (bleeding) - Pérdida de sangre (loss of blood)

Antonyms - Coagulación (coagulation) - Estancamiento (stagnation, in terms of blood flow)

This comprehensive analysis covers various aspects of the term "hemorragia" and its significance in both medical and everyday contexts.
