heterogeneidad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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heterogeneidad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Heterogeneidad is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Heterogeneidad refers to the quality or state of being heterogeneous, which means composed of different or diverse elements. In the Spanish language, it is often used in both scientific and everyday contexts to describe the variety within a group or system—this could relate to populations in sociology, mixtures in chemistry, or various components in engineering.

In general use, heterogeneidad is a term that might be utilized more frequently in written contexts such as academic papers, reports, and formal discussions rather than in everyday oral communication.

Example Sentences

  1. La heterogeneidad de la población en esta región es notable.
    The heterogeneity of the population in this region is remarkable.

  2. En el estudio de materiales, la heterogeneidad puede afectar las propiedades físicas de los compuestos.
    In the study of materials, heterogeneity can affect the physical properties of compounds.

  3. La heterogeneidad del clima en el mundo provoca diferentes patrones de biodiversidad.
    The heterogeneity of the climate around the world creates different patterns of biodiversity.

Idiomatic Expressions

While heterogeneidad itself may not be commonly found in idiomatic expressions, the concept can be expressed in various phrases that highlight diversity or a mix of elements.

  1. Ser un cóctel de heterogeneidad.
    To be a cocktail of heterogeneity.
    (Refers to a situation or group made up of different and diverse elements.)

  2. La heterogeneidad es la sal de la vida.
    Heterogeneity is the spice of life.
    (Suggesting that diversity and variety make life interesting.)

  3. En un entorno de heterogeneidad, todos tienen algo que aportar.
    In an environment of heterogeneity, everyone has something to contribute.
    (Indicating the value of diverse perspectives in any setting.)

  4. La heterogeneidad del equipo enriqueció el proyecto.
    The heterogeneity of the team enriched the project.
    (Indicating that varying backgrounds lead to better outcomes.)


The word heterogeneidad has its roots in the Greek words "heteros," meaning "other" or "different," and "genos," meaning "kind" or "type." It was adapted into Spanish from its earlier use in scientific and philosophical texts to describe diverse elements within a whole.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Diversidad - Variabilidad - Inhomogeneidad

Antonyms: - Homogeneidad - Uniformidad - Simplicidad

This structured overview includes the meaning, use, examples, idiomatic references, etymology, and synonyms/antonyms of the term heterogeneidad, which reflects its significance and application in various contexts.
