hielo dulce - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

hielo dulce (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:

Noun phrase

Phonetic transcription:

/ˈjelo ˈðulθe/

Translation options:


Hielo dulce translates to "sweet ice" in English. The phrase is not very common in Spanish, as it is a literal description of a type of ice that is sweet in taste. This term could be used either in a written context or in oral speech, although it might be more commonly encountered in written recipes or specialized contexts.

Example sentences:

  1. Vamos a preparar un postre delicioso con hielo dulce.
    We are going to prepare a delicious dessert with sweet ice.

  2. En verano, me encanta comer hielo dulce para refrescarme.
    *In the summer, I love to eat sweet ice to cool down.

Idiomatic expressions:

The phrase hielo dulce does not hold any idiomatic meanings as it is a straightforward description of a sweet type of ice.


The etymology of hielo dulce comes from the combination of two Spanish words: hielo which means "ice" and dulce which means "sweet".

Synonyms and Antonyms: