hierro colado inoculado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

hierro colado inoculado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun phrase

Phonetic Transcription

/ˈjer.o koˈlaðo i.no.kuˈlaðo/



"Hierro colado inoculado" refers to ductile iron that has been treated with an inoculant, which improves its mechanical properties and makes it more malleable and flexible. This term is commonly used in the field of metallurgy and engineering. It is more frequently used in written contexts, especially within technical documents and specifications.

Example Sentences

  1. Compramos barras de hierro colado inoculado para la construcción del puente. (We bought ductile iron bars for the construction of the bridge.)

  2. Es necesario realizar pruebas de calidad en el hierro colado inoculado antes de su uso. (Quality tests need to be conducted on the inoculated ductile iron before its use.)

Idiomatic Expressions

In the context of technical or polytechnical language, "hierro colado inoculado" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions.


Synonyms and Antonyms