The word "higiene" is a noun.
The term "higiene" refers to the set of practices aimed at preserving health through cleanliness and prevention of disease. In a medical context, it emphasizes the importance of cleanliness in preventing the spread of infections and maintaining overall health. The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in public health discussions, educational materials, and everyday conversations about health practices.
Personal hygiene is essential to prevent diseases.
Es importante mantener la higiene en el entorno de trabajo.
It is important to maintain hygiene in the workplace.
Los médicos aconsejan practicar buena higiene para evitar infecciones.
The word "higiene" features in various idiomatic expressions related to health and cleanliness. Here are a few examples:
It is important to be a role model of hygiene in the community.
Hacer higiene mental
Doing mental hygiene is essential for maintaining emotional health.
Higiene del sueño
Sleep hygiene can improve the quality of rest.
Practicar higiene bucal
The word "higiene" comes from the Latin term "hygiena," which in turn is derived from the Greek "hygieinos," meaning "healthful" or "conducive to health." It is associated with the goddess Hygieia, the personification of health in ancient Greek mythology.
Synonyms: - Salubridad (healthiness) - Limpieza (cleanliness) - Saneamiento (sanitation)
Antonyms: - Suciedad (dirtiness) - Contaminación (contamination) - Descuido (neglect)