hoja de ruta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

hoja de ruta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ˈoxa de ˈruta/

Usage in Spanish

"hoja de ruta" is a common expression in Spanish used to refer to a roadmap or a plan of action. It is widely used in both written and spoken Spanish, making it a versatile term in various contexts.


  1. Spanish: Tengo una hoja de ruta detallada para completar este proyecto. English: I have a detailed roadmap to complete this project.

  2. Spanish: El equipo presentó una hoja de ruta para el desarrollo de la empresa. English: The team presented a roadmap for the company's development.

Idiomatic Expressions

"hoja de ruta" is not part of an idiomatic expression, but it is an idiomatic expression itself. However, here are some common idiomatic expressions that include the word "hoja":


  1. Spanish: Seguir la hoja de ruta. English: To follow the roadmap.

  2. Spanish: Marcar la hoja de ruta. English: To set the course.

  3. Spanish: Cambiar de hoja de ruta. English: To change the plan.


"hoja de ruta" comes from the Spanish words "hoja" (leaf or sheet) and "ruta" (route or path), combining to mean a document outlining a course of action.

Synonyms and Antonyms