hola - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

hola (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Interjection

Phonetic transcription: - IPA: /ˈola/ - English: oh-lah

Meanings and usage: "Hola" is a common Spanish interjection used as a form of greeting. It translates to "hello" in English and is used both in informal and formal contexts in oral speech. Its usage is very frequent in Spanish in both written and spoken language.

Examples: 1. Hola, ¿cómo estás? (Hello, how are you?) 2. Hola, buenos días. (Hello, good morning.)

Idiomatic expressions: "Hola" is mostly used straightforwardly as a greeting, but it can be part of some informal idiomatic expressions. For example: 1. ¡Hola, qué tal! (Hey, what's up!) 2. Hola, ¿qué hay de nuevo? (Hi, what's new?) 3. Hola, ¿cómo va todo? (Hello, how's everything going?) 4. ¡Hola, cómo te va! (Hey, how are you doing?) 5. Hola, ¿qué cuentas de nuevo? (Hi, what's new with you now?)

Etymology: The Spanish word "hola" comes from the Old Spanish "ola" meaning "wave."

Synonyms and Antonyms: - Synonyms: - Saludos (Greetings) - Buen día (Good day) - Antonyms: - Adiós (Goodbye) - Despedida (Farewell)