hormiguero - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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hormiguero (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Hormiguero is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Hormiguero refers to a structure built by ants where they live, store food, and raise their young. It can also refer to mounds created by termites. The term is commonly used in both spoken and written forms, although it is often found in more specialized contexts such as zoology or agriculture. Its usage frequency is moderate, being more prevalent in contexts discussing entomology, ecology, or specific agricultural practices.

Example Sentences

  1. El hormiguero estaba lleno de actividad durante la primavera.
    The ant nest was full of activity during spring.

  2. Los granjeros deben tener cuidado con el hormiguero, ya que puede dañar las cosechas.
    Farmers must be cautious of the ant hill, as it can damage the crops.

  3. Observé un hormiguero gigantesco cerca del tronco del árbol.
    I observed a gigantic ant mound near the tree trunk.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word hormiguero is not frequently used in idiomatic expressions. However, it can reflect themes of industriousness or collective effort due to the nature of ants. Below are some contextual sentences that relate to its meaning, though they may not be established idiomatic phrases:

  1. Ir al hormiguero - refers to going to a place bustling with activity, akin to an ant hill filled with ants.
    El mercado se sentía como un hormiguero lleno de gente.
    The market felt like an ant hill filled with people.

  2. Trabajar como hormigas - to work very hard, similar to how ants work diligently.
    Todos en la oficina trabajan como hormigas para cumplir con el proyecto a tiempo.
    Everyone in the office works like ants to meet the project deadline.

  3. Ser un hormiguero de ideas - to be a hive of ideas; used to describe a place or group that generates many creative thoughts or solutions.
    La reunión fue un hormiguero de ideas interesantes.
    The meeting was a hive of interesting ideas.


The term hormiguero comes from the Spanish word hormiga, meaning "ant," which itself has Latin origins from the word formica. The suffix -ero indicates a place associated with something, so hormiguero literally translates to "place of ants."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Termitero (for termite mound) - Nido de hormigas (ant nest)

Antonyms: - No direct antonyms, as it specifically refers to a structure made by ants or termites. However, one could consider general terms for places lacking such structures, such as "terreno desértico" (barren land).
