Hortaliza is a noun.
The primary translation of hortaliza into English is vegetable. It can also refer to garden produce in some contexts.
In Spanish, hortaliza refers to edible plants that are cultivated in gardens or fields, particularly veggies like carrots, lettuce, and tomatoes. It is a general term used in both oral and written contexts, with frequent usage in culinary discussions, gardening, and agricultural discussions.
Hortaliza is commonly used in everyday conversation, especially when discussing diets, cooking, or gardening. It is prevalent in both spoken and written language but has a slight preference towards written contexts due to its formal use.
Las hortalizas son fundamentales en una dieta equilibrada.
Vegetables are fundamental in a balanced diet.
En el mercado, compré varias hortalizas frescas para la cena.
At the market, I bought several fresh vegetables for dinner.
Ella cultiva hortalizas en su jardín para disfrutar de alimentos orgánicos.
She grows vegetables in her garden to enjoy organic food.
Hortaliza is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, but there are a few phrases and expressions related to vegetables in general that include the word.
No hay hortalizas en enero, pero febrero trae la esperanza de la cosecha.
There are no vegetables in January, but February brings the hope of the harvest.
En la dieta de mi abuelo, las hortalizas eran el plato principal.
In my grandfather's diet, vegetables were the main dish.
Si comes hortalizas todos los días, tu salud te lo agradecerá.
If you eat vegetables every day, your health will thank you.
The word hortaliza comes from the Latin hortalis, which means "of the garden" or "related to the garden." It is derived from the noun hortus, meaning "garden."
Overall, hortaliza is an essential term in the Spanish language that signifies not just a category of food, but also reflects cultural practices and health consciousness around eating fresh, garden-grown produce.