humos - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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humos (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word humos is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. smoke
  2. fumes
  3. vapors

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, humos refers primarily to the visible vapors or gases that are produced by combustion or other chemical processes. It is commonly used to describe smoke from fires, pollution from vehicles, or exhaust fumes. The term can also be used metaphorically to indicate someone's arrogance or inflated self-importance.

Frequency of Use: The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions concerning environmental issues, health, and informally in colloquial expressions.

Example Sentences

  1. La chimenea de la fábrica emite muchos humos que afectan el aire.
  2. The factory's chimney emits a lot of smoke that affects the air.

  3. Los humos del coche viejo son muy contaminantes.

  4. The fumes from the old car are very polluting.

  5. La fogata produjo humos que nos hicieron toser.

  6. The bonfire produced smoke that made us cough.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word humos appears in several idiomatic expressions, often suggesting arrogance or self-importance.

  1. Se le subieron los humos a la cabeza.
  2. His arrogance went to his head.

  3. No me vengas con humos.

  4. Don’t come to me with airs (or don’t try to act superior).

  5. Bajar los humos.

  6. To bring someone down a peg (or to reduce someone's arrogance).

  7. Con esos humos, no conseguirás nada.

  8. With that attitude, you won’t achieve anything.

  9. A veces, es bueno dejar los humos a un lado y ser humilde.

  10. Sometimes, it’s good to put your arrogance aside and be humble.


The term humos comes from the Latin word fumus, meaning "smoke." The Spanish term has evolved to encompass various forms of vapor and the metaphorical meanings associated with arrogance.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Vapor - Humo (used for more specific contexts of smoke) - Exhalación (exhalation)

Antonyms: - Claridad (clarity) - Limpidez (clearness)

This information provides a thorough understanding of the term humos in Spanish, highlighting its meanings, uses, and importance in both literal and figurative contexts.
