The word "hundirse" is a verb in Spanish.
The verb "hundirse" means to sink, typically referring to something that goes down below the surface of a liquid, but it can also be used in a metaphorical sense to describe a person feeling overwhelmed, defeated, or emotionally unwell. The term is used in both oral and written contexts, with a frequency that can be classified as moderately common.
El barco empezó a hundirse después de chocar con un iceberg.
(The boat began to sink after hitting an iceberg.)
Si no hacemos algo pronto, nos hundiremos en deudas.
(If we don't do something soon, we will sink into debt.)
Ella se hundió en la tristeza tras la noticia de su partida.
(She sank into sadness after the news of his departure.)
The verb "hundirse" is also commonly found in various idiomatic expressions, often conveying a sense of despair or defeat:
Se hundió en la miseria después de perder su trabajo.
(He sank into misery after losing his job.)
Hundirse sin remedio
Esa decisión va a hacer que se hunda sin remedio en problemas.
(That decision is going to make him sink irreparably into trouble.)
Hundirse en la desesperación
Ella se hundió en la desesperación cuando supo que su amigo estaba enfermo.
(She sank into despair when she found out her friend was ill.)
No hay que hundirse
The verb "hundirse" comes from the Latin word "fundere," which means "to pour" or "to melt." The prefix "hund-" suggests a transformation into a submerged state, while the reflexive form "hundirse" indicates the action affecting the subject itself.
Synonyms: 1. Sumergirse (to submerge) 2. Caer (to fall) 3. Descender (to descend)
Antonyms: 1. Flotar (to float) 2. Emerger (to emerge) 3. Ascender (to ascend)
This comprehensive overview of "hundirse" reflects its various usages and cultural relevance within the Spanish language.