ida - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ida (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "ida" in Spanish primarily refers to the action of going or departing to a certain place. It is commonly used in various contexts, often when discussing travel or movement from one place to another. The word can signify a trip or journey and is frequently encountered in both oral and written forms, although it may appear more often in travel-related contexts.

Frequency of Use

"Ida" is used frequently in everyday conversation as well as in written texts, particularly in contexts related to travel, transportation, and movement.

Example Sentences

  1. Fui a la playa y la ida fue muy agradable.
    I went to the beach, and the trip was very pleasant.

  2. La ida al trabajo toma aproximadamente una hora.
    The journey to work takes about an hour.

  3. Siempre planeo con anticipación la ida y la vuelta.
    I always plan ahead for the departure and return.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "ida" itself does not prominently feature in many idiomatic expressions, it can be part of broader phrases or sayings related to journeys or plans. Below are examples of expressions that incorporate the word within different contexts.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. La ida es la mitad del viaje.
    The going is half of the journey.
    (Meaning: Getting there is just as important as the destination.)

  2. De ida y vuelta, seguro que será una aventura.
    A round trip will surely be an adventure.
    (Refers to the experiences gained both going and coming back.)

  3. Hacer la ida sin planear es como navegar sin mapa.
    Going without planning is like sailing without a map.
    (Expresses the importance of preparation before embarking on a journey.)

  4. La ida de los amigos siempre se siente triste.
    The departure of friends always feels sad.
    (Conveys the emotional aspect of someone leaving.)


The word "ida" comes from the Latin ita, meaning "thus" or "so", which evolved in the Spanish language to refer to the action of going, indicating a movement toward a destination.

Synonyms and Antonyms


