ideal - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ideal (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "ideal" in Spanish refers to something that is considered the best possible option, often embodying perfection, excellence, or a standard against which things are measured. It is frequently used to describe concepts, situations, or people that fulfill an expected standard perfectly.

In terms of frequency of use, "ideal" is common in both oral and written contexts, often appearing in discussions related to plans, goals, and aspirations.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella siempre busca el lugar ideal para vacacionar.
  2. She always looks for the ideal place to vacation.

  3. Su trabajo es un ejemplo ideal de dedicación y esfuerzo.

  4. Her work is an ideal example of dedication and effort.

  5. La situación actual no es ideal, pero podemos adaptarnos.

  6. The current situation is not ideal, but we can adapt.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "ideal" appears in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish, often conveying the notion of perfection or the best possible condition. Below are some examples:

  1. Estar en el ideal: Significa estar en una situación perfecta o deseada.
  2. Estamos en el ideal de nuestra vida ahora que hemos comprado la casa.
  3. We are in the ideal of our lives now that we have bought the house.

  4. El mundo ideal: Usado para describir un concepto de cómo sería el mundo perfecto.

  5. Todos soñamos con un mundo ideal donde no exista la violencia.
  6. We all dream of an ideal world where violence does not exist.

  7. El trabajo ideal: Se refiere a una ocupación que es perfecta para alguien.

  8. Ella finalmente encontró el trabajo ideal que siempre había deseado.
  9. She finally found the ideal job she had always wanted.

  10. La pareja ideal: Describe a una persona que sería considerada perfecta como pareja.

  11. Su esposo es la pareja ideal para ella, siempre se apoyan mutuamente.
  12. Her husband is the ideal partner for her; they always support each other.

  13. El momento ideal: Se refiere a un tiempo perfecto para llevar a cabo alguna actividad.

  14. Hoy es el momento ideal para empezar a trabajar en tu proyecto.
  15. Today is the ideal moment to start working on your project.


The term "ideal" is derived from the Latin "idealis," which in turn comes from "idea," referring to an archetype or a perfect form. It reflects the notion of an ultimate standard or perfect example.

Synonyms and Antonyms


