idealizar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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idealizar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic transcription


How the word is used

"Idealizar" is a verb in Spanish that means to idealize or to create an idealized version of someone or something. It is frequently used in both oral speech and written context. It is a common word in the Spanish language used to express admiration or a heightened sense of perfection towards a person, idea, or situation.


  1. Spanish: Ella tiende a idealizar a sus amigos. English: She tends to idealize her friends.

  2. Spanish: A menudo idealizamos el pasado y lo recordamos mejor de lo que fue en realidad. English: We often idealize the past and remember it better than it actually was.

  3. Spanish: No hay que idealizar demasiado a nadie, nadie es perfecto. English: We shouldn't idealize anyone too much, nobody is perfect.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Idealizar" is not part of specific idiomatic expressions, but it is frequently used in different contexts to describe the act of idealizing. Here are some examples:

  1. Spanish: No idealices a esa persona, recuerda que todos tenemos defectos. English: Don't idealize that person, remember we all have flaws.

  2. Spanish: Idealizas demasiado esta ciudad, también tiene sus problemas. English: You idealize this city too much, it also has its problems.

  3. Spanish: No debes idealizar tanto el amor, hay que ser realistas. English: You shouldn't idealize love so much, we must be realistic.


The word "idealizar" comes from the Latin word "idealizare," which means "to make an ideal."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: glorificar (glorify), ensalzar (praise), exaltar (exalt)

Antonyms: criticar (criticize), despreciar (disdain), menospreciar (undervalue)