idear - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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idear (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Idear is a verb in the Spanish language.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

"To ideate" or "to conceive" or "to come up with an idea."

Meaning and Usage

Idear means to generate, create, or develop ideas, often in a creative context. It is used mainly in informal settings and is frequently encountered in discussions about brainstorming, innovation, or creative thinking. The term is more common in oral speech than in written contexts, although it can appear in written formats, especially in creative, academic, or professional discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Voy a idear un plan para el nuevo proyecto.
    I am going to come up with a plan for the new project.

  2. Es importante idear soluciones innovadoras para los problemas actuales.
    It is important to conceive innovative solutions for current problems.

  3. Ella siempre sabe idear actividades divertidas para los niños.
    She always knows how to come up with fun activities for the children.

Idiomatic Expressions

While idear itself is not widely featured in idiomatic expressions, the concept of coming up with ideas is essential in various contexts. Here are a few idiomatic expressions that revolve around the core concept of creativity and idea generation:

  1. Idear en grande.
    To think big.
  2. Siempre debes idear en grande si quieres tener éxito.
    You should always think big if you want to succeed.

  3. No hay mal idea.
    There’s no bad idea.

  4. En una sesión de brainstorming, recuerda que no hay mal idea.
    In a brainstorming session, remember that there’s no bad idea.

  5. Idear sobre la marcha.
    To think on the fly.

  6. Durante la reunión, tuvimos que idear sobre la marcha para resolver el problema.
    During the meeting, we had to think on the fly to solve the problem.

  7. Idear en conjunto.
    To collaborate ideatively.

  8. Es más efectivo idear en conjunto con el equipo.
    It is more effective to collaborate ideatively with the team.


The verb idear is derived from the noun idea, which comes from the Latin "idea," itself rooted in Greek "ἰδέα" (idéa), meaning "form, pattern, or appearance." The construction of the verb follows a regular pattern of Spanish verb formation.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Concebir (to conceive) - Crear (to create) - Inventar (to invent)

Antonyms: - Descartar (to discard) - Ignorar (to ignore) - Rechazar (to reject)

This comprehensive overview outlines the usage, meaning, and context of the word idear, showcasing its significance in the Spanish language.
