idem - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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idem (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Idem" is a conjunction and adverb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Idem" is used to refer to something that is the same as previously mentioned, similar to saying "the same as" or "likewise." It is mostly used in written contexts, particularly in formal or academic writings, where clarity and need for precision are essential. Its frequency of use is moderate, and it is less common in everyday spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. "El informe sobre la contaminación fue presentado el lunes y el idem fue discutido en la reunión."
    "The report on pollution was presented on Monday and the same was discussed in the meeting."

  2. "Los resultados del experimento en el laboratorio fueron sorprendentes, y el idem se aplicó en el campo."
    "The results of the experiment in the laboratory were surprising, and likewise, it was applied in the field."

  3. "La teoría de la relatividad es importante y el idem se puede ver en la práctica diaria."
    "The theory of relativity is important and the same can be seen in daily practice."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Idem" is not commonly found in specific idiomatic expressions, but it is used in formal or structured contexts where comparisons or identicality are discussed.

Example Sentences with Related Expressions

  1. "Los dos proyectos tienen objetivos similares, y el idem se puede decir de los resultados."
    "The two projects have similar objectives, and the same can be said for the results."

  2. "Este mes se han cumplido todas las metas, y el idem para el próximo mes parece alcanzable."
    "All the goals have been met this month, and the same for next month seems attainable."

  3. "Ana y Luis tienen estilos de trabajo diferentes; el idem no se aplica a sus resultados."
    "Ana and Luis have different work styles; the same does not apply to their results."


The term "idem" originates from Latin meaning "the same." It was adopted into several languages, including Spanish, maintaining its original meaning and usage.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "idem" is a formal term used to indicate similarity or equivalent status in written contexts, maintaining its relevance particularly in academic and formal discussions.
