ileso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ileso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word ileso is used to describe a state of being unharmed or uninjured, commonly used in both general and medical contexts. It is often applied in situations where one might expect harm or injury but instead, the individual or object remains intact. The frequency of its usage is moderate, and it is commonly employed in both oral and written contexts.

Examples in Sentences

  1. Después del accidente, todos los pasajeros estaban ilesos.
  2. After the accident, all the passengers were unharmed.

  3. A pesar de la fuerte tormenta, la casa quedó ilesa.

  4. Despite the heavy storm, the house remained unscathed.

  5. El conductor salió del coche ileso tras el choque.

  6. The driver emerged from the car unhurt after the crash.

Idiomatic Expressions

While ileso itself is not a central feature of many idiomatic expressions, it can be found in some expressions relating to safety or survival. Below are a few examples:

  1. Salir ileso de algo
  2. Significado: To come out unscathed from something.
  3. Ejemplo: Logró salir ileso de la dura tormenta.
  4. Translation: He managed to come out unharmed from the harsh storm.

  5. Quedar ileso

  6. Significado: To remain unharmed after an event.
  7. Ejemplo: A pesar del incendio, el edificio quedó ileso.
  8. Translation: Despite the fire, the building remained unscathed.

  9. Irse ileso

  10. Significado: To leave without injury.
  11. Ejemplo: Después del accidente, se fue ileso, lo cual fue un milagro.
  12. Translation: After the accident, he left unhurt, which was a miracle.


The term ileso comes from the Latin word ilesus, meaning "undamaged" or "unhurt". It has maintained a similar meaning through the evolution of the Spanish language.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive breakdown of ileso provides a clear understanding of its meaning, usage, examples, expressions, etymology, and related terms.
