iluminado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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iluminado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "iluminado" in Spanish generally refers to someone who is "enlightened" or "illuminated." This can denote both literal and metaphorical meanings. In a literal sense, it can refer to physical light or brightness. Metaphorically, it is often used to describe individuals who have gained insight, wisdom, or a profound understanding of a subject, philosophy, or spirituality.

The term is quite common in everyday language, used both in oral and written contexts. It is especially prevalent in discussions around spirituality, philosophy, and education.

Example Sentences

  1. El profesor es un iluminado que siempre comparte su sabiduría con nosotros.
    The teacher is an enlightened person who always shares his wisdom with us.

  2. La ciudad estaba completamente iluminada durante la celebración.
    The city was completely illuminated during the celebration.

  3. Necesitamos un enfoque más iluminado para resolver este problema.
    We need a more enlightened approach to solve this problem.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "iluminado" can also be found in various idiomatic expressions that imply understanding or wisdom:

  1. "Estar iluminado por la verdad."
    To be enlightened by the truth.
    This expression means to have gained a deep understanding of a fundamental reality.

  2. "Ilumina nuestras vidas."
    He/She illuminates our lives.
    This phrase is often used to describe someone who brings joy, knowledge, or positivity.

  3. "Conversaciones iluminadas."
    Enlightened conversations.
    Refers to discussions that are insightful and promote deeper understanding.

  4. "Un camino iluminado."
    An illuminated path.
    This phrase signifies a clear or enlightened direction in metaphorical terms, often related to personal growth or moral choices.

  5. "La lectura es una forma de ser iluminado."
    Reading is a way to be enlightened.
    This reflects the idea that gaining knowledge through books can lead to enlightenment.


The word "iluminado" comes from the Latin "illuminatus," which is the past participle of "illuminare," meaning "to light up" or "to illuminate." The evolution of the term has maintained its association with light and understanding, particularly in intellectual and spiritual contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview illustrates the depth and variety of meanings associated with the word "iluminado," highlighting its usage across different contexts and its significance in the Spanish language.
