iluminar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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iluminar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Iluminar is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb iluminar generally means to provide light or brightness to something. It can be used in both literal and metaphorical contexts. For example, it can refer to illuminating a dark space with a light source, or figuratively, it can mean to enlighten someone with knowledge or information.

Frequency of Use: Iluminar is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, but is particularly common in written texts, such as literature, academic writings, and formal communications.

Example Sentences

  1. El faro ilumina la costa durante la noche.
  2. The lighthouse lights up the coast during the night.

  3. Las velas iluminan la habitación con una luz suave.

  4. The candles illuminate the room with a soft light.

  5. El maestro intenta iluminar las mentes de sus alumnos.

  6. The teacher tries to enlighten his students' minds.

Idiomatic Expressions

Iluminar is often used in various expressions related to enlightenment and understanding. Here are a few examples:

  1. Iluminar el camino
  2. "Ella desea iluminar el camino para aquellos que buscan ayuda."
  3. "She wishes to light up the path for those seeking help."

  4. Iluminar la mente

  5. "Un buen libro puede iluminar la mente de una persona."
  6. "A good book can illuminate a person's mind."

  7. Iluminar con sabiduría

  8. "Los ancianos iluminan con sabiduría a los más jóvenes."
  9. "The elders illuminate with wisdom the younger ones."

  10. Iluminar la verdad

  11. "Es importante iluminar la verdad en situaciones difíciles."
  12. "It is important to shed light on the truth in difficult situations."

  13. Dejarse iluminar

  14. "A veces es bueno dejarse iluminar por las ideas de otros."
  15. "Sometimes it is good to let oneself be enlightened by the ideas of others."

  16. Iluminar el corazón

  17. "La música puede iluminar el corazón de las personas."
  18. "Music can light up the hearts of people."


The word iluminar derives from the Latin illuminare, which means "to light up, to make bright." This Latin term comes from the prefix in- (in, on) and lumen (light), reflecting the act of casting light upon something.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Alumbrar (to illuminate) - Clarear (to clarify or brighten) - Brindar luz (to provide light)

Antonyms: - Oscurecer (to darken) - Apagar (to extinguish)
