ilusionado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ilusionado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "ilusionado" is an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "ilusionado" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /ilu.sjoˈna.ðo/.

Translation Options into English

The word "ilusionado" can be translated into English as: - Excited - Hopeful - Delighted

Meaning and Usage

"Ilusionado" refers to a state of being filled with excitement or hope. It often describes a person who is enthusiastic about something that is anticipated to happen or has the potential of occurring.

In terms of usage, "ilusionado" is commonly employed in both oral and written contexts, though it might be seen more frequently in written contexts, particularly in literature and media.

Example Sentences

  1. Estoy muy ilusionado con el viaje que haremos el próximo mes.
  2. I am very excited about the trip we will take next month.

  3. Juan estaba ilusionado por su nueva oportunidad de trabajo.

  4. Juan was hopeful about his new job opportunity.

  5. La niña estaba ilusionada al abrir sus regalos de cumpleaños.

  6. The girl was delighted when opening her birthday presents.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Ilusionado" is used in various idiomatic expressions. Below are a few examples:

  1. Estar ilusionado con los planes
  2. Significado: To be excited/happy about the plans.
  3. Ejemplo: Todos estamos ilusionados con los planes para el verano.
  4. Translation: We are all excited about the plans for the summer.

  5. Ilusionarse con algo

  6. Significado: To get one's hopes up about something.
  7. Ejemplo: No te ilusionas mucho, podría no suceder.
  8. Translation: Don't get your hopes up too much; it might not happen.

  9. Caer en la ilusión

  10. Significado: To fall into the trap of hope or expectations.
  11. Ejemplo: Muchos cayeron en la ilusión del éxito fácil.
  12. Translation: Many fell into the illusion of easy success.

  13. Despertar la ilusión

  14. Significado: To awaken hope or excitement.
  15. Ejemplo: La llegada de la primavera despierta la ilusión en todos.
  16. Translation: The arrival of spring awakens excitement in everyone.


The word "ilusionado" comes from the Spanish verb "ilusionar," which derives from the Latin "illusionare." The root "illudere" means to mock or deceive, related to a perception of something being unreal. Over time, it evolved in Spanish to signify hopefulness and excitement rather than deception.

Synonyms and Antonyms


