imbuir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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imbuir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Imbuir is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Imbuir means to inspire or permeate something, often with a particular quality or idea. In Spanish, it is used primarily in contexts where feelings, beliefs, or ideas are deeply embedded or infused into a person or thing. The use of this word is more common in written contexts, such as literature or formal writing, rather than in everyday spoken language. Its frequency can vary, but it is generally recognized and understood by Spanish speakers, especially in academic or poetic contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. La maestra intentó imbuir en sus alumnos un amor por la literatura.
  2. The teacher tried to imbue her students with a love for literature.

  3. La cultura de la empresa está imbuida de valores de respeto y colaboración.

  4. The company's culture is imbued with values of respect and collaboration.

  5. Es importante imbuir confianza en los niños para que enfrenten retos.

  6. It's important to instill confidence in children so that they can face challenges.

Idiomatic Expressions

Imbuir is not commonly used in many idiomatic expressions, but it is associated with contexts that involve deeply influencing or infusing qualities into people or cultures.

Here are some related idiomatic expressions:

  1. Imbuido de sabiduría
  2. Él apareció imbuido de sabiduría después de su viaje.
  3. He appeared imbued with wisdom after his trip.

  4. Imbuir con pasión

  5. La música puede imbuir con pasión a quienes la escuchan.
  6. Music can imbue passion in those who listen to it.

  7. Imbuir en la tradición

  8. La fiesta está imbuida en la tradición familiar desde hace generaciones.
  9. The celebration is imbued in family tradition for generations.


The word imbuir comes from the Latin imbuere, which means "to wet, moisten, or imbue." The prefix "in-" indicates a direction towards the inside and "buere" suggests a soaking or soaking in.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Infundir - Inspirar - Permeabilizar

Antonyms: - Despojar - Vaciar

By understanding the word imbuir, its usage, and its related expressions, we can appreciate its richness and depth in the Spanish language.
