impactar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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impactar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Verb

Phonetic transcription: /im.pakˈtaɾ/

Meanings and Usage: The word "impactar" in Spanish means "to impact" or "to affect." It is a verb commonly used in both oral and written contexts in the Spanish language. It is used to describe the action of causing a strong effect or influence on something or someone. The frequency of use is moderate, and it is more commonly used in formal or informal speech rather than in literary texts.

Verb Tenses: - Present: impacto, impactas, impacta, impactamos, impactáis, impactan - Preterite: impacté, impactaste, impactó, impactamos, impactasteis, impactaron - Imperfect: impactaba, impactabas, impactaba, impactábamos, impactabais, impactaban - Future: impactaré, impactarás, impactará, impactaremos, impactaréis, impactarán - Conditional: impactaría, impactarías, impactaría, impactaríamos, impactaríais, impactarían - Present Subjunctive: impacte, impactes, impacte, impactemos, impactéis, impacten

Gerund Form: impactando

Example Phrases: 1. La noticia negativa va a impactar a todos en la oficina. (The negative news is going to impact everyone in the office.) 2. La película logró impactar al público con su mensaje emotivo. (The movie managed to impact the audience with its emotional message.)

Idiomatic Expressions: - "Impactar a alguien" (to have an impact on someone): - El discurso del presidente impactó a la sociedad. (The president's speech had an impact on society.) - "Impacto visual" (visual impact): - La pintura tiene un gran impacto visual. (The painting has a great visual impact.) - "Impacto ambiental" (environmental impact): - Es importante considerar el impacto ambiental de nuestras acciones. (It is important to consider the environmental impact of our actions.)

Etymology: The word "impactar" comes from the Latin word "impactare," which means "to push against" or "strike." It has retained a similar meaning in Spanish, focusing on the idea of having a forceful effect on something.

Synonyms: - Afectar (to affect) - Influir (to influence) - Conmover (to move)

Antonyms: - Dejar indiferente (to leave indifferent) - No influir (not to influence) - No afectar (not to affect)