imparcial - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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imparcial (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/im.paɾˈθjal/ (in European Spanish)
/ɪmˈpɑːrʃəl/ (in Latin American Spanish, approximated)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "imparcial" refers to a state of not being biased or partial towards one side or another. It denotes fairness and objectivity, particularly in contexts such as law, journalism, and ethics. In general use, "imparcial" describes individuals or entities that maintain neutrality and do not favor any party.

The frequency of use varies between oral and written contexts. However, "imparcial" is often more common in written contexts such as legal documents, newspapers, and formal communication, as opposed to everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. El juez siempre se esfuerza por ser imparcial en sus decisiones.
  2. The judge always strives to be impartial in his decisions.

  3. Una opinión imparcial es crucial para el desarrollo de un debate saludable.

  4. An impartial opinion is crucial for the development of a healthy debate.

  5. Los periodistas deben ser imparciales al informar sobre los hechos.

  6. Journalists must be impartial when reporting the facts.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "imparcial" is not commonly used in specific idiomatic expressions, its meaning encompasses several contexts where fairness is important. Below are some related expressions involving the concept of impartiality:

  1. Actuar de manera imparcial
  2. Act in an impartial manner

    • En este conflicto, actuamos de manera imparcial para garantizar la justicia.
    • In this conflict, we acted in an impartial manner to ensure justice.
  3. Un juicio imparcial

  4. An impartial trial
  5. Todos tienen derecho a un juicio imparcial, sin prejuicios ni favoritismos.
  6. Everyone has the right to an impartial trial, without prejudice or favoritism.

  7. Mantenerse imparcial

  8. To remain impartial
  9. Es fundamental que los mediadores se mantengan imparciales durante la negociación.
  10. It is essential that mediators remain impartial during the negotiation.


The term "imparcial" originates from the Latin word "impartialis," which is composed of the prefix "im-" (not) and "partialis" (partial). The word has evolved in the Spanish language to encompass the meaning of neutrality and fairness.

Synonyms and Antonyms


