imparcialidad - Noun (feminine)
/im.paɾ.θjal.iˈðað/ (in Spain) or /im.paɾ.tʃjaˈli.ðað/ (in Latin America)
Imparcialidad refers to the quality of being impartial, fair, or unbiased. In both general and legal contexts, it is important when discussing fairness in judgment, decision-making, or treatment of individuals, ensuring that there is no favoritism or prejudice involved. The term is commonly used in discussions about justice, ethics, and equality. It tends to appear equally in both oral and written contexts, although it may be more prevalent in written legal documents and formal settings.
The impartiality of the judge is fundamental for a fair trial.
La imparcialidad en los medios de comunicación es esencial para una democracia saludable.
Impartiality in the media is essential for a healthy democracy.
La imparcialidad en la selección de candidatos garantiza un proceso justo.
The word imparcialidad is not frequently used in idiomatic expressions specifically, but it is often associated with several terms that reflect fairness or neutrality:
Despite the impartiality of the jury, some critics believe the outcome was biased.
Con imparcialidad: With impartiality
Researchers must act with impartiality when collecting data.
Buscar la imparcialidad: To seek impartiality
The word imparcialidad derives from the Spanish adjective "imparcial," which means "impartial," combined with the suffix "-idad," which is used to form nouns that denote a state or condition. The root "parcial" itself is from the Latin "partialis," meaning "partial."
Synonyms - Objetividad (Objectivity) - Justicia (Justice) - Equidad (Equity)
Antonyms - Parcialidad (Partiality) - Sesgo (Bias) - Injusticia (Injustice)