impedimento - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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impedimento (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Impedimento is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Impedimento refers to anything that obstructs or hinders progress or movement. In legal contexts, it often denotes a legal barrier or obstacle that affects rights, actions, or the ability to perform certain activities.

In general Spanish usage, impedimento can describe both physical and metaphorical barriers. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, although you might find it more frequently in written formulations, especially in legal documentation or formal language.

Example Sentences

  1. El impedimento para su viaje fue la falta de documentos necesarios.
  2. The impediment to his trip was the lack of necessary documents.

  3. En la reunión se discutió el impedimento para la aprobación del proyecto.

  4. The impediment to the approval of the project was discussed in the meeting.

  5. La ley prevé ciertos impedimentos para el ejercicio de la profesión.

  6. The law provides for certain impediments to the practice of the profession.

Idiomatic Expressions

While impedimento itself may not be part of well-known idiomatic expressions, it features in phrases that highlight barriers or obstacles. Here are some phrases with their translations:

  1. Sufrir un impedimento
  2. "Sufrí un impedimento para mi viaje."
  3. "I suffered an impediment to my trip."

  4. Pasar por alto un impedimento

  5. "Debes pasar por alto cualquier impedimento si quieres avanzar en tu carrera."
  6. "You must overlook any impediment if you want to advance in your career."

  7. Eliminar el impedimento

  8. "El consejo decidió eliminar el impedimento que bloqueaba la obra."
  9. "The council decided to remove the impediment that was blocking the project."

  10. No ver un impedimento

  11. "Ella no ve ningún impedimento en cumplir sus objetivos."
  12. "She sees no impediment in achieving her goals."


The word impedimento derives from the Latin term impedimentum, which is composed of the prefix im- (meaning "not") and ped-, from pes, pedis (meaning "foot"). Thus, it can be interpreted as something that "hinders one’s foot" or progress.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Obstáculo - Dificultad - Barrera

Antonyms: - Ayuda (Help) - Facilitar (Facilitate) - Progreso (Progress)
