inadmisible - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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inadmisible (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word inadmisible is an adjective used mainly in legal contexts, referring to something that is not allowed, permissible, or acceptable. It often applies to evidence or arguments in a court of law that cannot be accepted for consideration.

In general usage, it can describe actions, behaviors, or conditions that are deemed intolerable or unacceptable in social, professional, or academic settings. The frequency of use is higher in written contexts, particularly in formal documents, legal texts, and academic publications, though it can also occur in spoken language, especially in discussions regarding legality or ethics.


  1. El tribunal declaró que la evidencia presentada era inadmisible.
    The court declared that the evidence presented was inadmissible.

  2. Es inadmisible que un empleado falte a su trabajo sin justificación.
    It is inadmissible for an employee to miss work without justification.

  3. El jefe consideró que su comportamiento fue inadmisible en la reunión.
    The boss considered that his behavior was inadmissible in the meeting.

Idiomatic Expressions

While inadmisible itself doesn't form many common idiomatic expressions, it is often used in phrases that convey acceptance or rejection within legal and social contexts. Here are a few expressions with contextual use:

  1. "Evidencia inadmisible"
    "The evidence presented was inadmissible."

  2. "Conducta inadmisible en el lugar de trabajo"
    "Conduct that is inadmissible in the workplace."

  3. "Propuestas inadmisibles para la negociación"
    "Proposals that are inadmissible for negotiation."

  4. "Decisión inadmisible para la comunidad"
    "A decision that is inadmissible for the community."

  5. "Argumentos inadmisibles en el debate"
    "Arguments that are inadmissible in the debate."

  6. "Cualquier actitud inadmisible debe ser sancionada"
    "Any inadmissible attitude must be sanctioned."

  7. "La falta de respeto es considerada inadmisible"
    "Disrespect is considered inadmissible."


Inadmisible derives from the Latin prefix "in-" meaning "not," and "admissibilis," which comes from "admittere" meaning "to allow" or "to admit." Thus, the etymology reflects its meaning of something that cannot be permitted or accepted.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive breakdown of the word inadmisible highlights its legal significance, usage in various contexts, and etymological roots while providing illustrative examples to enhance understanding.
