incendio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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incendio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word incendio is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription using International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is:
/ inˈθen.djo /

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Incendio refers to an uncontrolled burning of materials that can cause destruction. In Spanish, it is commonly used in both legal contexts (such as insurance claims, criminal law regarding arson, etc.) and general contexts (discussions about fire safety, natural disasters, etc.).

Frequency of Use

"Incendio" is a frequently used term, especially in contexts related to safety, environmental issues, and legal matters. It is commonly used in both written reports (such as news articles and legal documents) and oral speech (daily conversations, emergency situations).

Example Sentences

  1. El incendio forestal arrasó miles de hectáreas en pocas horas.
    (The forest fire swept through thousands of hectares in just a few hours.)

  2. Los bomberos lucharon toda la noche para controlar el incendio en la fábrica.
    (The firefighters battled all night to control the fire at the factory.)

  3. El incendio dejó a muchas familias sin hogar.
    (The fire left many families homeless.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "incendio" is part of various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, often used to convey urgency or dangerous situations.

Idiomatic Examples

  1. No dejar nada en pie después del incendio.
    (To leave nothing standing after the fire.)
    This expression means to cause complete destruction or havoc in a situation.

  2. Apagar el incendio antes de que se propague.
    (To put out the fire before it spreads.)
    This phrase is often used metaphorically to refer to resolving small problems before they escalate into larger ones.

  3. Estar en medio del incendio.
    (To be in the middle of the fire.)
    This idiom can describe someone who is caught in a chaotic or crisis situation.

  4. Echar más leña al fuego.
    (To throw more wood on the fire.)
    This expression refers to making a situation worse or more intense, similar to "adding fuel to the fire" in English.

  5. Saliendo del incendio para entrar en la batalla.
    (Coming out of the fire to enter the battle.)
    This means going from one difficult situation to another, indicating a cycle of challenges.


The term incendio comes from Latin incendium, which means "a setting on fire". The roots relate to the word incendere, meaning "to set fire to". Over time, the term has evolved in Spanish to describe various types of fires, whether accidental or intentional.

Synonyms and Antonyms


