incentivar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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incentivar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "incentivar" means to provide motivation or encouragement to someone or something to act in a certain way, often in economic contexts to stimulate activity or growth. It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts in Spanish, particularly in discussions related to economics, business strategies, and social policies.

Example Sentences

  1. El gobierno decidió incentivar la inversión extranjera con beneficios fiscales.
  2. The government decided to incentivize foreign investment with tax benefits.

  3. Las empresas intentan incentivar a sus empleados a aumentar la productividad.

  4. Companies try to incentivize their employees to increase productivity.

  5. Es importante incentivar la educación de los jóvenes para mejorar la sociedad.

  6. It is important to incentivize the education of young people to improve society.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Incentivar" is not typically used in many idiomatic expressions; however, it may be incorporated in discussions about motivation and encouragement. Here are a few ways to use it in broader contexts:

  1. Incentivar el trabajo en equipo es fundamental para el éxito de cualquier proyecto.
  2. Incentivizing teamwork is fundamental for the success of any project.

  3. El programa busca incentivar el uso de energías renovables en la comunidad.

  4. The program aims to incentivize the use of renewable energies in the community.

  5. La empresa lanzó una nueva campaña para incentivar la lealtad del cliente.

  6. The company launched a new campaign to incentivize customer loyalty.

  7. Necesitamos incentivar una cultura de innovación en nuestro equipo.

  8. We need to incentivize a culture of innovation within our team.


"Incentivar" derives from the Latin word "incentivus," meaning "that which sets in motion" or "that which prompts." The prefix "in-" added to the root pertains to inducing or causing something to happen.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Estimular (to stimulate) - Motivar (to motivate) - Promover (to promote)

Antonyms: - Desincentivar (to disincentivize) - Desmotivar (to demotivate) - Desalentar (to discourage)

This comprehensive overview on "incentivar" illustrates its significance in the Spanish language and its application in various contexts, especially in economics.
