inciso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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inciso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "inciso" primarily refers to a segment or provision within a text, often used in legal documents, contracts, or formal writing. It signifies a part of a larger whole, highlighting specific details or conditions. The word is frequently used in written contexts, particularly in legal and academic materials, and is less common in everyday oral speech.

Frequency of Use

"Inciso" is commonly seen in legal, formal, and academic settings, making it a vital term for professionals in fields such as law and linguistics.

Example Sentences

  1. Los incisos del contrato deben ser leídos detenidamente.
    (The clauses of the contract must be read carefully.)

  2. En el inciso segundo se especifican las obligaciones del arrendatario.
    (In the second section, the obligations of the tenant are specified.)

  3. El inciso relevante de la ley establece nuevas regulaciones.
    (The relevant clause of the law establishes new regulations.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "inciso" is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it can occur in formal phrases that pertain to legal contexts. Here are some example usages with similar structures:

  1. No se puede omitir ningún inciso de la normativa vigente.
    (No clause of the current regulations can be omitted.)

  2. El inciso final establece los criterios de evaluación.
    (The final clause establishes the evaluation criteria.)

  3. Cada inciso del documento debe ser considerado.
    (Each clause of the document must be considered.)

  4. El análisis del inciso relevante es crucial para la decisión.
    (The analysis of the relevant clause is crucial for the decision.)


The word "inciso" comes from the Latin "incisus," the past participle of "incidere," which means "to cut into." This etymology reflects the notion of sections or clauses being "cut" from a larger legal or textual context.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive breakdown reflects the usage, nuances, and related aspects of the word "inciso" in Spanish.
