inclusive - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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inclusive (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "inclusive" is an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "inclusive" using the International Phonetic Alphabet is [inkˈlusive].

Translation Options into English

The word "inclusive" can be translated into English as: - inclusive - including - encompassing

Meaning and Usage

The word "inclusive" refers to something that includes or encompasses everything or everyone within a specified group, category, or system. In the Spanish language, it is used to indicate a comprehensive or all-encompassing nature. The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to diversity, social policy, and inclusivity.

Frequency of Use

"Inclusive" is frequently used in social, academic, and political discussions. It is important in contexts relating to equality, representation, and community welfare. The usage is common in both spoken and written language but tends to appear more in formal (written) contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. El proyecto es inclusivo y busca beneficiar a todas las comunidades.
  2. The project is inclusive and aims to benefit all communities.

  3. La educación inclusiva permite que todos los estudiantes aprendan juntos.

  4. Inclusive education allows all students to learn together.

  5. Necesitamos políticas inclusivas que aborden las necesidades de todos los ciudadanos.

  6. We need inclusive policies that address the needs of all citizens.

Idiomatic Expressions with "Inclusive"

The word "inclusive" may not have a significant number of idiomatic expressions dedicated solely to it; however, it is often part of phrases and contexts emphasizing inclusivity. Here are some expressions and their meanings:

  1. Aceptar a todos de manera inclusiva.
  2. To accept everyone in an inclusive manner.
  3. Esta comunidad se esfuerza por aceptar a todos de manera inclusiva.

    • This community strives to accept everyone in an inclusive manner.
  4. Visión inclusiva.

  5. Inclusive vision.
  6. La empresa promueve una visión inclusiva para sus empleados.

    • The company promotes an inclusive vision for its employees.
  7. Políticas inclusivas.

  8. Inclusive policies.
  9. Necesitamos implementar políticas inclusivas para ayudar a las minorías.

    • We need to implement inclusive policies to help minorities.
  10. Participación inclusiva.

  11. Inclusive participation.
  12. El evento se caracterizó por una participación inclusiva de diversas etnias.
    • The event was characterized by inclusive participation from diverse ethnicities.


The word "inclusive" in Spanish comes from the Latin term "inclusivus," which means "to close in" or "to hide." It is derived from "includere," meaning "to enclose." The term evolved into a broader meaning over time, now commonly used to refer to something that encompasses all aspects or members of a group.

Synonyms and Antonyms


