incompatibilidad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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incompatibilidad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "incompatibilidad" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "incompatibilidad" refers to the quality of being incompatible, which means that two or more things cannot coexist or function together without conflict or adverse effects. It is often used in contexts such as law, medicine, and personal relationships to describe situations where elements do not naturally align or work together.

The frequency of use is relatively high in both oral and written contexts, especially within legal and medical discussions. In everyday conversation, it might come up less frequently but is still understood widely.

Example Sentences

  1. La incompatibilidad entre los dos medicamentos puede causar efectos secundarios graves.
  2. The incompatibility between the two medications can cause severe side effects.

  3. El juez determinó que había incompatibilidad entre los testigos y su declaración.

  4. The judge determined that there was incompatibility between the witnesses and their testimony.

  5. En una relación, la incompatibilidad de caracteres puede llevar a la ruptura.

  6. In a relationship, incompatibility of personalities can lead to a breakup.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "incompatibilidad" can also appear in various idiomatic expressions within the Spanish language:

  1. Incompatibilidad de caracteres
  2. La incompatibilidad de caracteres es una de las razones por las que muchas parejas deciden separarse.
  3. The incompatibility of personalities is one of the reasons why many couples decide to separate.

  4. Incompatibilidad de intereses

  5. La incompatibilidad de intereses entre las dos partes dificultó el acuerdo.
  6. The incompatibility of interests between the two parties made the agreement difficult.

  7. No hay compatibilidad entre...

  8. No hay compatibilidad entre sus objetivos y los de la empresa.
  9. There is no compatibility between his goals and those of the company.

  10. Detectar incompatibilidades

  11. Es importante detectar incompatibilidades en un nuevo sistema para evitar problemas futuros.
  12. It is important to detect incompatibilities in a new system to avoid future problems.


The word "incompatibilidad" originates from the Latin "incompatibilitas," which is composed of the prefix "in-" (not) and "compatibilis" (compatible), derived from "compatibilis," meaning "able to exist together."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Desacuerdo (disagreement) - Incongruencia (incongruence) - Descompatibilidad (incompatibility)

Antonyms: - Compatibilidad (compatibility) - Accordancia (accordance) - Concordia (concord)
