incredulidad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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incredulidad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Incredulidad is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Incredulidad refers to the state or quality of being unwilling or unable to believe something; it indicates skepticism or doubt regarding certain claims or assertions. This term is often used in a variety of contexts, including discussions of beliefs, scientific claims, or personal experiences.

It has a moderate frequency of use and is common in both spoken and written forms of Spanish, although it might appear more often in written contexts, especially in literature, opinion pieces, and academic writing.

Example Sentences

  1. Su incredulidad ante las noticias sorprendió a todos.
    His disbelief at the news surprised everyone.

  2. La incredulidad de los expertos fue evidente tras el anuncio.
    The experts' incredulity was evident after the announcement.

  3. A pesar de su incredulidad, decidió investigar más sobre el tema.
    Despite his disbelief, he decided to investigate the topic further.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word incredulidad appears in several idiomatic expressions and contexts in Spanish. Here are some expressions that incorporate the concept of disbelief:

  1. Estar en incredulidad
    Él estaba en incredulidad cuando escuchó los rumores sobre su amigo.
    He was in disbelief when he heard the rumors about his friend.

  2. Incredulidad compartida
    La incredulidad compartida entre los soldados fue un signo de la gravedad de la situación.
    The shared disbelief among the soldiers was a sign of the seriousness of the situation.

  3. Afrontar la incredulidad
    Ella tuvo que afrontar la incredulidad de su familia cuando decidió cambiar de carrera.
    She had to face her family's disbelief when she decided to change careers.

  4. La incredulidad de la audiencia
    La incredulidad de la audiencia era palpable tras el sorprendente desenlace.
    The audience's disbelief was palpable after the surprising outcome.


The word incredulidad derives from the Latin term incredulitas, which is formed from the prefix in- (not) and credulus (believing, gullible). The root cred- relates to belief or trust.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - escepticismo (skepticism) - desconfianza (mistrust) - duda (doubt)

Antonyms: - credulidad (credulity) - fe (faith) - confianza (trust)
