inculcar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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inculcar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Inculcar is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb inculcar refers to the act of instilling or imparting an idea, attitude, or value in someone, particularly through persistent teaching or influence. It is commonly used in the contexts of education, parenting, and personal development.

In terms of usage, inculcar is frequently employed in both spoken and written contexts, although it may appear more often in formal or educational discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Los padres siempre intentan inculcar buenos valores en sus hijos.
  2. Parents always try to instill good values in their children.

  3. El maestro se esfuerza por inculcar el amor por la lectura en sus alumnos.

  4. The teacher strives to instill a love for reading in his students.

  5. Es importante inculcar la responsabilidad desde una edad temprana.

  6. It is important to instill responsibility from an early age.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word inculcar is not central to many idiomatic expressions, but it is often used in phrases related to teaching and values. Here are several related expressions and their meanings:

  1. Inculcar valores
  2. To instill values
  3. Es esencial inculcar valores como la honestidad en los jóvenes.
  4. It is essential to instill values such as honesty in young people.

  5. Inculcar disciplina

  6. To instill discipline
  7. Los entrenadores deben inculcar disciplina a sus atletas.
  8. Coaches must instill discipline in their athletes.

  9. Inculcar conocimiento

  10. To impart knowledge
  11. La educación debería inculcar conocimiento práctico a los estudiantes.
  12. Education should impart practical knowledge to students.

  13. Inculcar el sentido de la responsabilidad

  14. To instill a sense of responsibility
  15. Es fundamental inculcar el sentido de la responsabilidad en los adolescentes.
  16. It is essential to instill a sense of responsibility in teenagers.


The verb inculcar comes from the Latin word inculcare, which means "to tread upon" or "to press in." It is derived from in- (in) and culcare (to tread), reflecting the notion of pressing or instilling ideas firmly into someone's mind.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Enseñar (to teach) - Transmitir (to transmit) - Impartir (to impart) - Infundir (to infuse)

Antonyms: - Desinstruir (to miseducate) - Desalentar (to discourage) - Desestimular (to dissuade)

This comprehensive overview encapsulates the meaning and usage of the word inculcar, illuminating its significance in the Spanish language.
