Incurrir is a verb.
Incurrir means to bring about or to become subject to something, often in a negative context, such as incurring a debt, penalties, or obligations. It is commonly used in legal terminology to refer to actions that lead to specific liabilities or consequences.
This term is prevalent in both oral and written contexts, especially in legal documents and discussions. Its frequency is moderate; it is common enough to be understood in general conversation but primarily is used in formal contexts.
El acusado puede incurrir en una pena mayor si se demuestra la premeditación.
The accused may incur a harsher penalty if premeditation is proven.
Al no pagar la factura, incurrirás en intereses adicionales.
By not paying the bill, you will incur additional interest.
Incurrir en gastos innecesarios puede afectar tu presupuesto.
Incuring unnecessary expenses can affect your budget.
While incurrir itself is not a central component of many idiomatic expressions, it is often used in phrases related to finance and law, especially regarding obligations or liabilities.
Incurrir en deudas es una situación difícil de manejar.
Incuring debts is a difficult situation to handle.
Es importante no incurrir en faltas que puedan afectar tu reputación.
It is important not to incur faults that could affect your reputation.
Si decides incurrir en gastos excesivos, necesitarás un plan de ahorro.
If you decide to incur excessive expenses, you will need a savings plan.
El cliente puede incurrir en penalizaciones si no cumple con los plazos.
The client may incur penalties if they do not meet the deadlines.
The verb incurrir comes from the Latin "incurrere," which is composed of the prefix "in-" (meaning "into") and "currere" (meaning "to run"). The combination suggests the notion of running into or towards something usually with a negative connotation.
Synonyms: - Cometer (to commit) - Caer en (to fall into)
Antonyms: - Evitar (to avoid) - Exonerar (to exonerate)
This comprehensive view of incurrir shows its significance in legal and financial contexts and its practical usage in everyday language.