indemnidad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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indemnidad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Indemnidad is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Indemnidad refers to the state of being exempt from loss or damage; it often relates to legal contexts where a party is protected against financial loss or liability. In legal terms, it is commonly associated with indemnity agreements or clauses where one party agrees to compensate another for certain damages or losses.

Frequency of Use: The term is more frequently found in written contexts, especially in legal documents, contracts, and discussions about liability. It is less commonly used in everyday spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. La cláusula de indemnidad en el contrato protegía a las partes de posibles demandas.
  2. The indemnity clause in the contract protected the parties from potential lawsuits.

  3. El abogado recomendó incluir una póliza de indemnidad para evitar problemas futuros.

  4. The lawyer recommended including an indemnity policy to avoid future issues.

  5. La empresa asumió la indemnidad por los daños causados durante la construcción.

  6. The company assumed indemnity for the damages caused during construction.

Idiomatic Expressions

Indemnidad is not typically used in various idiomatic expressions. However, its concept is often involved in expressions related to protection and liability. Below are a few sentences that incorporate the notion of indemnity in legal and insurance contexts:

  1. La compañía aseguradora siempre ofrece indemnidad a sus clientes en caso de siniestro.
  2. The insurance company always offers indemnity to its clients in the event of a disaster.

  3. Los contratos deben incluir una cláusula de indemnidad para proteger a ambas partes.

  4. Contracts must include an indemnity clause to protect both parties.

  5. En situaciones de riesgo, es fundamental contar con una indemnidad adecuada.

  6. In risky situations, it is crucial to have adequate indemnity.

  7. La ley establece que la indemnidad cubre los daños causados por negligencia.

  8. The law states that indemnity covers damages caused by negligence.


The word indemnidad comes from the Latin term indemnitas, which is derived from indemnis, meaning "uninjured" or "undamaged." This root emphasizes the idea of safety and protection from loss or harm.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms - Compensación (compensation) - Reembolso (reimbursement) - Protección (protection)

Antonyms - Responsabilidad (liability) - Perjuicio (harm) - Daño (damage)

This comprehensive overview highlights the significance of indemnidad in legal contexts and its practical applications in agreements and insurance policies.
