indiano - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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indiano (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Indiano" is a noun and can also function as an adjective in certain contexts.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Indian
  2. Indian-American (referring to a person from the Indian diaspora, particularly in the Americas)

Meaning and Usage in Spanish

"Indiano" refers to a person of Indian origin, but it is most commonly used in historical contexts in Spain and Latin America to refer to those who emigrated to the Americas (particularly to the Spanish colonies) and then returned to Spain. The term may also denote an individual from India in contemporary usage. Its frequency of use is context-dependent; while it might be less common in everyday speech, it surfaces more often in discussions related to history or heritage.


Idiomatic Expressions

The term "indiano" is not particularly common in idiomatic expressions, but it has historical relevance in specific phrases relating to migration or identity.

Examples of Contextual Usage:

  1. "Indiano de corazón"
    "Indian at heart"
    Refers to someone who strongly identifies with Indian culture despite being from another background.

  2. "La vida de un indiano"
    "The life of an Indian-American"
    Often used to describe the experiences and struggles of those who returned from abroad and adapted to life in their homeland.

  3. "Indianos en la diáspora"
    "Indians in the diaspora"
    Referring to those who have left their homeland in search of better opportunities, often used in contexts of cultural studies or migration discussions.


The term "indiano" derives from "Indias," commonly used by the Spaniards during the colonization period to refer to the Americas. The root word traces back to the Latin "India," which referred to the Indian subcontinent but was broadly applied to the territories discovered by European explorers in the New World.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive outline provides a detailed insight into the term "indiano" across various aspects, from linguistic characteristics to cultural implications.
