indicador - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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indicador (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Indicador is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The word indicador can be translated into English as: - indicator - marker - sign

Meaning and Usage

The term indicador refers to a sign or measure that helps to assess the status or performance of something. In various domains, it acts as a tool for measurement or analysis, commonly used in economics (to indicate economic trends), law (performance indicators), medicine (health indicators), and technical fields (to gauge operational efficiency).

It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, but it appears more often in written formats, especially in formal reports and analyses.

Example Sentences

  1. El indicador de desempleo ha aumentado este año.
    The unemployment indicator has increased this year.

  2. Los indicadores económicos son cruciales para entender la salud del mercado.
    Economic indicators are crucial for understanding the health of the market.

  3. El médico revisó el indicador de salud antes de proceder con el tratamiento.
    The doctor checked the health indicator before proceeding with the treatment.

Idiomatic Expressions

While indicador may not be heavily featured in idiomatic expressions, it often plays a role in data analysis and discussions related to measures and assessments in various contexts.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. El indicador de éxito se mide a través de la satisfacción del cliente.
    The indicator of success is measured through customer satisfaction.

  2. La falta de un indicador claro puede llevar a decisiones erróneas.
    The lack of a clear indicator can lead to wrong decisions.

  3. Los analistas financieros utilizan múltiples indicadores para prever tendencias del mercado.
    Financial analysts use multiple indicators to forecast market trends.

  4. Un buen indicador de salud es un sueño reparador cada noche.
    A good indicator of health is getting restorative sleep every night.

  5. En este proyecto, el tiempo de entrega es un indicador clave.
    In this project, the delivery time is a key indicator.


The word indicador is derived from the Latin word "indicator," which means "one who points out" or "sign." The root "indicare" means "to point out" or "to indicate." It has evolved in various Romance languages, including Spanish, where it maintains a similar meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - señal (signal) - marcador (marker) - pauta (guideline)

Antonyms: - confusión (confusion) - desorden (disorder) - ambigüedad (ambiguity)

This structured information should provide a comprehensive overview of the term "indicador."
