indiferente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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indiferente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "indiferente" refers to a state of being unresponsive or showing a lack of interest or concern towards something or someone. In Spanish, it is commonly used to describe a person's attitude or reaction, often indicating apathy or neutrality. The frequency of use is relatively high, more commonly appearing in both oral and written contexts. However, it might be more prevalent in written contexts such as literature, legal documents, or formal discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella se mostró indiferente ante el drama que ocurría a su alrededor.
  2. She remained indifferent to the drama happening around her.

  3. No puedes ser indiferente a la injusticia social.

  4. You cannot be indifferent to social injustice.

  5. Su actitud indiferente hizo que los demás se sintieran frustrados.

  6. His indifferent attitude made others feel frustrated.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, "indiferente" can be part of several idiomatic expressions, often emphasizing the idea of apathy or neutrality.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Estar indiferente a algo
  2. Estar indiferente a las opiniones de los demás puede ser dañino en una comunidad.
  3. Being indifferent to others' opinions can be harmful in a community.

  4. No ser indiferente

  5. No ser indiferente al sufrimiento ajeno es vital para construir un mundo mejor.
  6. Not being indifferent to others' suffering is vital for building a better world.

  7. Tomar una postura indiferente

  8. Tomar una postura indiferente en situaciones delicadas puede llevar a malos entendidos.
  9. Taking an indifferent stance in delicate situations can lead to misunderstandings.

  10. Indiferente ante las circunstancias

  11. Ser indiferente ante las circunstancias no ayudará a resolver el problema.
  12. Being indifferent to the circumstances will not help solve the problem.


The word "indiferente" comes from Latin "indifferentem", which is formed by the prefix "in-" (not) and "differentem" (differing or differing). Thus, it literally translates to "not differing" or "not caring".

Synonyms and Antonyms


