indignado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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indignado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Indignado" is an adjective used to describe a state of being angry or outraged, usually in response to a perceived injustice or moral violation. It conveys intense displeasure and is often used in discussions about social issues, politics, or personal grievances. The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in political discourse and when discussing social injustices. Its frequency of use has increased in social movements and activism.

Example Sentences

  1. Estaba indignado por la falta de justicia en el caso.
    (He was outraged by the lack of justice in the case.)

  2. Los ciudadanos están indignados con el gobierno por las recientes decisiones.
    (The citizens are outraged with the government for the recent decisions.)

  3. Me siento indignado ante la discriminación que sufren muchas personas.
    (I feel indignant at the discrimination many people suffer.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Indignado" is often part of phrases that convey strong emotions regarding social issues. Here are a few idiomatic expressions:

  1. Estar indignado hasta los dientes.
    (To be outraged to the core.)
  2. Ejemplo: Estaba indignado hasta los dientes cuando escuchó las noticias.
    (He was outraged to the core when he heard the news.)

  3. Indignado y sin palabras.
    (Indignant and speechless.)

  4. Ejemplo: Después de lo que presenció, se quedó indignado y sin palabras.
    (After what he witnessed, he was indignant and speechless.)

  5. Indignado por la hipocresía.
    (Outraged by hypocrisy.)

  6. Ejemplo: Muchos estaban indignados por la hipocresía de los líderes.
    (Many were outraged by the hypocrisy of the leaders.)

  7. Indignado por la injusticia social.
    (Outraged by social injustice.)

  8. Ejemplo: La comunidad estaba indignada por la injusticia social que enfrentaban.
    (The community was outraged by the social injustice they faced.)


The word "indignado" comes from the Latin "indignatus," which is derived from "indignari," meaning "to regard as unworthy." The prefix "in-" denotes negation, and "dignus" means "worthy." Thus, the root of the word reflects a moral response to something deemed unworthy or unjust.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Ofendido (Offended) - Enfurecido (Infuriated) - Irritado (Irritated)

Antonyms: - Satisfecho (Satisfied) - Calmado (Calm) - Apaciguado (Pacified)
